Temple Elemental Evil 3.5

  • Temple of Elemental Evil and The Temple of Elemental Evil discussed in this document are copyright by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Core Books and Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This document utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
  • Oct 27, 2008 Temple of Elemental Evil. This is the Wiki page for Jesse Heinig's game of The Temple of Elemental Evil played in the Play-by-Post forums of RPGnet. The Player Characters. Erwilian 'Wil' Fletcher: Human Factotum played by JohnC; Harlan Deephunter: Dwarf Ranger played by Shantak; Lia Kuryana: Human Psion played by Ferrus Animus.
  1. Temple Elemental Evil 3.5 2
  2. Temple Of Elemental Evil Pdf
  3. Temple Of Elemental Evil Download
  4. Temple Elemental Evil Pc Game
  5. Temple Of Elemental Evil 3.5
  6. Temple Elemental Evil 3.5 Online
Oh, Troika. Troika, Troika, Troika. Back in the day, a company named Black Isle was known for creating good, solid, intelligent RPG’s, such as Fallout and Planescape: Torment. Then Interplay went mad and killed it. Twice. The first time caused it to Regenerate into Troika, while the Third Doctor wound up being Obsidian Entertainment. Sadly, while Troika continued to make good, intelligent RPG’s, they apparently forgot to bring any decent coders with them, and each of the three Troika games was released as an unplayable mess. Obsidian may get some flak for bugs, too, but trust me, their games are at least Newtonian solids compared to Troika. However, by being good, intelligent games, Troika’s catalogue was picked up by the modding community and fan patches were released for each, greatly improving the experience. For ToEE, the Circle of Eight site has done wonders, and I’m currently using the site-based package patch

Temple of Elemental Evil. This is the Wiki page for Jesse Heinig's game of The Temple of Elemental Evil played in the Play-by-Post forums of RPGnet. The Player Characters. Erwilian 'Wil' Fletcher: Human Factotum played by JohnC; Harlan Deephunter: Dwarf Ranger played by Shantak; Lia Kuryana: Human Psion played by Ferrus Animus.

4.0 6.1 if you were wondering/wanted to play along at home.
The Temple of Elemental Evil is the second Troika game and the most faithful adaptation of a pen and paper RPG to a video game I’ve ever come across. There’s still something lost in the translation, mind you, but playing ToEE taught me some things about the game system I never knew about, and that’s got to count for something. The Temple of Elemental Evil is a computer RPG adaptation of a D&D 3.5 module which is itself an adaptation of a 1st edition D&D module. The game takes place in Grayhawk, the original setting of D&D, but that’s hardly important. ToEE is pretty light on plot aside from some vague “go kill the Evil Elemental Prince of Something (or free it, whatev’)” objective that only appears a third of the way into the game. It’s basically a linear sandbox, as odd as that sounds.
Still, for all that, the game is pretty fun, and it shows why third edition D&D did so much to revive the franchise after TSR basically dug itself into a grave. You might find my approach…unorthodox, but I’d say it’s appropriate for all that.
Oh, and one last thing: NO EDITION WARS. This means you may discuss game mechanics within their own context regardless of system, you may praise or critique game mechanics within their own context, you may discuss the history of any game system, and you may share stories about your experiences with any game system (although D&D would definitely be more on-topic), but you may NOT compare game mechanics between systems, favorably or unfavorably, and you may NOT insult any game system or edition regardless of how well it’s deserved. Except for FATAL. That one deserves all the scorn you can muster. While there may be reason to carry on the arguments about edition changes, this is not the place to do so. Thank you for your cooperation.
P. S. if you don’t know much about 3.5 rules, they are both free and online. Here, have an intro movie:

Tomb of Horrors Pre-Game Concept Test Tutorial Session
Part 1:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)
Part 2:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)

Tomb of Horrors Session 1
Part 1:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)
Part 2:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)
Part 3:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)
Part 4:Youtube(Polsy)Blip (Polsy)

Tomb of Horrors Session 2 (video capture failed, so audio only)
Part 1: In which three chests are discovered and Doc Strange makes a new friendTindeck
Part 2: In which a gargoyle is slain and many gems are hadTindeck
Part 3: In which the party thinks with portals and is punished utterly for itTindeck
Part 4: In which Snakey is sacrificed and all involved are punishedTindeck
Part 5: In which a Hallway of Doom is discoveredTindeck
Part 6: In which vats and liches explode kind ofTindeck
Part 7: In which pits are crossed and mold frozenTindeck
Part 8: In which RandomNinja is a giant asshole and Xander doesn't helpTindeck
Part 9: In which the party finds a huge-ass roomTindeck
Part 10: In which an entirely avoidable combat happensTindeck
Part 11: Ending ATindeck
Part 12: Ending BTindeck

The Rogue's Gallery
(With thanks to radintorov)
The GM named Bob, he's the one running this campaign. He doesn't get a portrait because he's supposed to be narrating, except when he's playing an NPC.
Garrett (human multiclass Rogue/Ranger)
played by Temple of elemental evil downloadSuzie (multiclass Otaku Artist/DM's Girlfriend), Bob's girlfriend. The 'new guy' of the group, but learned the ropes during a solo campaign. Fortunately for the others, she took the Defend Group from DM class options instead of the other way around.
Hammerdown Hardboot (dwarven Wizard)
played by Hal (Ass Kicker)Temple. He likes playing as a dwarf and like most of the group prefers the game aspect of RPGs (as in killing stuff and looting it). He's also a cop.
Big McLargeHuge (gnome Barbarian)
played by William (Lurker (Apatheticer)). He played in the previous campaign mostly because he had nothing better to do and didn't want to spend time with his 'crazy girlfriend'. He's not a roleplayer by any means, and has been known to sleep during exposition and town exploration. Oh, and he's gay.
Josephus (half-elf Bard)
played by Paul (Roleplayer). Unlike the majority of the group, he tries to act and think in-character. Has played female characters previously, to his fellow gamers' chagrin.
Alistor Keystone (dwarven Cleric)
played by

Temple Elemental Evil 3.5 2

Lewis (Powergamer). Player knowledgeable in various role-playing games and (mainly) their rules. He spent some time studying in Germany.

Temple Of Elemental Evil Pdf

, another gamer rather than roleplayer. Moved away so he won't be playing with the group.

Gary Gygax

In Artifact of Evil, Gary Gygax summarizes an important chapter in the career of “Iggwilv, the Mother of Evil.” She races against a band of adventurers on a quest in the depths of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Iggwilv is there on a mission to win the loyalty of a powerful new ally: Zuggtmoy. The Fiend of Fungus, after all, is more-or-less her daughter-in-law.

Here’s how Gygax told the tale:

At the northern edge of the Kron Hills, where the fringe of the great Gnarley Forest sent no more of its briars and oaks toward the setting sun, stand the ruins of a large building. Once active, the place is now generally shunned, for another battle was fought near it and its builders slain or gone in defeat. The place is, of course, the Temple of Elemental Evil – its ruin, rather – as any local serf or peasant farm-boy from the neighborhood could tell you. Other than an occasional group of adventurous explorers seeking forgotten treasure, nobody goes to the temple. Bad, evil things haunt the place still.

One party of adventurous explorers poses a threat to Iggwilv’s plans. Some prognostication or prophecy has warned them of her mission. Who will enter the Temple of Elemental Evil and thwart the release of the “great evil” imprisoned within it’s depths? A brave party of adventurers undertakes the quest. If they should reach Zuggtmoy first, they might prevent the prison break. Gygax’s description of the adventurers sounds like a typical D&D party undertaking the classic adventure Temple of Elemental Evil. They are high-level “arch-clerics” and doughty fighters.”

To this very place came a company of another sort – goodly clerics, stout cavaliers and soldiers too, and a magic-user or two as well. They came because a dire warning said that some being of great evil still lurked there, imprisoned in the temple but about to be loosed. They traveled quickly and with grim purpose.

The adventurers don’t even make it to the Temple before they are beset by an ambush. It’s almost as if someone knew they were coming. The party is crippled in the battle, and they must recuperate before attempting to enter the dungeons.

They were greeted by a mass of fugitives. These evil men and malign humanoids were spoiling for revenge, and they lay in wait for the company. These outlaws had strong and fearsome leaders now, folk from the hidden places beneath the temple and others too. They thought to kill the clerics and knights and all the rest. The evil leaders left them, though, and as most of their fellows had done earlier, these survivors did now. They were killed on the field. The battle, small and brief as it actually was, comparatively speaking, took its toll on the company. There was a delay for meditation and prayer, for healing and rest, to prepare for the entry into the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Who was behind the ambush that waylaid and so grievously injured the party of adventurers? Surely this could be no coincidence. Nay, an “ancient magus” described as “a mighty one of eld” has come to the Temple of Elemental Evil and now manipulates the forces within to perform her will.

Time had been purchased at a price held cheap and meaningless by those within the place. A great personage, an ancient magus, a feared and mighty one of eld, had come among the few who still remained within the precincts of the ruin. She it was who set the ambush, brought the delay, and gained the time for her ends.

Temple Of Elemental Evil Download

It’s none other than Iggwilv herself. Free at last from the shackles of Graz’zt, she has returned to Oerth, and she intends to return to power over the Flanaess.

Her new plot begins with a mission into the Temple of Elemental Evil. She must free Zuggtmoy before the adventurers reach her and banish her. Or perhaps the adventurers themselves unwittingly serve her diabolical purposes in the temple. They might be merely pawns in Iggwilv’s game, breaking the wards and seals that hold Zuggtmoy’s chains as they delve into the lower levels.

After recovering spells and strength, the would-be heroes enter the Temple and fight their way into the lower levels.

The company came, ready again to face any foe of evil nature. Into the temple they came, driving all before them. Downward they plunged, sending undead things back to the pits from which they came, destroying the lurking monsters who would otherwise prey upon mankind. Deep and deeper they went, seeking what they knew they must find.

The adventurers successfully penetrate the lowest depth, but they arrive too late. The delay created by the ambush that beset them outside the temple accomplished its purposes. Before they can complete their mission, Iggwilv sets Zuggtmoy free. Perhaps the adventurers themselves inadvertently assisted her efforts as they plunged into the depths.

Even as they finally discovered the confining place and readied for the great confrontation, a pair of ghastly figures sprang upward, passing through stone and earth as if it were air. Too late had these archclerics and doughty fighters come. Iggwilv, Mother of Evil, had come before them and freed the demoness Zuggtmoy.

Iggwilv and Zuggtmoy escape together to form a new alliance of evil. The adventurers decry their failure to rid the world of such a powerful menace. But not everyone wants to rid the world of evil. Mordenkainen watched the entire episode unfold. He knew what Iggwilv was up to the entire time, and he assisted her efforts in the name of keeping the “balance” on Oerth:

But as these minions of Good lamented their failure, there were those not allied to Evil who rejoiced at Iggwilv’s success. Mordenkainen, one who had secretly aided the plan to free the monstrous demoness, was among them.

Temple Elemental Evil Pc Game

Excerpts from Gary Gygax, Artifact of Evil© 1986 TSR

Temple Of Elemental Evil 3.5

Featured Art: Zuggtmoy in The Temple of Elemental Evil

Temple Elemental Evil 3.5 Online

Read more stories about Iggwilv in the ongoing series “Mother of Witches.”